The Stone Creek Ladies' Golf Club is open to all women residents of Stone Creek in Ocala, FL. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for ladies of our community to play golf and socialize on a periodic basis. Our intention is to function as an interconnected ladies' golf club, not segregated by skill level or by number of holes played.
All women golfers of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in the weekly Ladies' Play Day as your schedule permits. You may choose to play 18-holes or 9-holes based on your preference for each week.
Each Monday has been designated as the Ladies' Play Day.
Sign-up each week by Friday, end of day, by replying to the Golf Genius invitation with "PLAYING" or "NOT PLAYING", or access Golf Genius directly (click HERE) to reserve your spot. After Friday, you may be added to a waiting list should there be cancellations. If you find that you must cancel, please call the pro shop (352-854-1272) as early as possible so that teams may be adjusted and anyone on a waiting list may be called to play.
Ladies should arrive about 30 minutes prior to the starting tee time, allowing time to find your partners, meet new players, and organize carts and bags.
The Stone Creek Golf pros set up groups and organize the weekly games - a fun and friendly individual or team game. A cost of $2.00 each week is paid when you check-in to participate in the game. Players must have an active handicap index (using GHIN) to participate in the games and must be current paid members of SCLG. House guests of a resident may play on Ladies' Day, but may not participate in the paid Stone Creek Ladies Golf members' game. Winners of the game will be awarded with pro shop credit and posted on the bulletin board. The pros will record scores into GHIN each week for the group. In case of a rainout, the $2 entry fee will be credited to your account, no cash refunds or carry-overs.
And More
In addition to the Monday Ladies' Play Day and seasonal socials, there are many events for the ladies to participate, including annual Club Championship, Battle of the Creek, "Gal Pal" tournament, interclub events, and the monthly 9-Hole Ladies' Golf-Around events. Check the bulletin board in the pro shop and here on the website often.
Ocala, FL